Why All Supplements Are Not Created Equal


Here at Inspired Health, patients often ask which nutritional supplements they should be taking on a daily basis. With all the information out there and the sea of supplements at health food stores, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and unsure of how to best provide yourself with daily support, so let’s discuss!

Quality matters significantly when it comes to supplementation. Depending on how the product is prepared, it may not be readily available for your body to absorb. This means you may not get as much out of the supplement due to lower caliber sources used in preparing the product. It’s also possible when ordering third party or online you may not even be getting the authentic product– scary This may leave you feeling little to no change, like it’s not helpful. Of more concern is the possible contamination with substance that may actually cause you harm [2]. We want you to get the most out of the correct supplementation so you can ensure the products we use here at Inspired Health have met rigorous quality standards .