Why All Supplements Are Not Created Equal


Here at Inspired Health, patients often ask which nutritional supplements they should be taking on a daily basis. With all the information out there and the sea of supplements at health food stores, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and unsure of how to best provide yourself with daily support, so let’s discuss!

Quality matters significantly when it comes to supplementation. Depending on how the product is prepared, it may not be readily available for your body to absorb. This means you may not get as much out of the supplement due to lower caliber sources used in preparing the product. It’s also possible when ordering third party or online you may not even be getting the authentic product– scary This may leave you feeling little to no change, like it’s not helpful. Of more concern is the possible contamination with substance that may actually cause you harm [2]. We want you to get the most out of the correct supplementation so you can ensure the products we use here at Inspired Health have met rigorous quality standards .

Elderberry’s Anti-viral Activity: An Update


European elder (Sambucus nigra), also known as black elder and elderberry, is thought to be beneficial for the prevention and treatment of influenza and upper respiratory infections, though there is still debate as to which stage of infection it is most effective in and even what the exact mechanisms of action are that lend elderberry its anti-viral effects. American elder (Sambucus canadensis) is a fast-growing, deciduous North American shrub that can reach up to 12 feet with flowers and berries similar to S. nigra. Elder flower extracts are also used to treat…

Using the Endocannabinoid System for Better Skin


Why are we hearing so much about CBD and skincare? It’s because our skin—the largest of our organs—contains a vast amount of cannabinoid receptors and endocannabinoid machinery. A number of excellent review papers1-3 show how endocannabinoids, along with the phytocannabinoids that work with them, affect everything from skin homeostasis and wound repair4 to skin permeability and the differentiation of skin stem cells.

We’ve seen increasing research on the endocannabinoid system (ECS) since it was discovered in the early 90s. The existence of the first two…

Women and Stress: Understanding Changes that Cause HPA Axis Dysregulation


Individual variances in the stress response are influenced not only by early life events, genetics, and age, but also by gender. The onset of puberty marks the nascence of sex differences in stress reactivity. Examining the neuroendocrine changes across the lifespan that render women more vulnerable to HPA axis dysregulation allows us to look at herbs and nutrients that may offer support.

How Integrative Medicine and Dentistry Can Work Together for Everyone’s Benefit


As healthcare practitioners, our main goal is our patient’s well-being. In an integrative healthcare model, all practitioners, need to learn to work together for a common goal. Dental professionals need to educate themselves about different treatments and diagnoses that relate to the body as a whole. Medical practitioners need to educate themselves about oral conditions, and diseases that affect the overall health of their patients.

Everyone needs to learn the potential effects of conditions and issues and how they interact to create dis-ease. There needs to be more sharing of information on the fine points of disease and conditions and the different treatments available.

From an oral perspective, dental practitioners must see their patients as a whole and realize that systemic issues and conditions can affect the health of the mouth and also that oral conditions can affect whole body health. We need to be more exacting in that relationship of how oral pathology can influence other organs and metabolic pathways, leading to systemic effects. We also need to learn to speak and communicate in ways that physicians and other medical providers can understand. One of the most beneficial things that dental professionals can do is to help inform and educate their medical, naturopathic, chiropractic and nursing colleagues in identifying and understanding oral diseases and

To Sleep or Not to Sleep


As the old saying goes, time flies when you’re having fun (or sleeping for that matter). Unfortunately for some, this is not always the case. According to the American Sleep Association (ASA), 50 to 70 million adults in the United States have some sort of sleep disorder. These disorders can range from dyssomnia’s to parasomnias.

Often times, this inability to rest results in sleepless nights. Although there are a plethora of causes linked to difficulty sleeping, integrative practitioners are able to pinpoint the most popular ones, while finding potential solutions.

Causes & Common Conditions

As previously mentioned, the causes that influence the lack of sleep are numerous, but doctors and experts alike have been able to narrow these down to ones backed by science, such as brain function, which could be the root of the problem.

“There are cycles of sleep: rapid eye movement (REM) and non-rapid eye movement (non-REM),” said Jeremy A. Holt, associate director of Ajinomoto North America’s health services section in New Jersey. “REM is typically 25 percent of the sleep period. Non-REM is divided into four stages. Stage One is the period between being awake and falling asleep. Stage Two is the onset of sleep and becoming disengaged from your surroundings. Stages Three and Four are the deepest and most restorative sleep, where muscles are relaxed, blood pressure drops and breathing becomes slower.

Millennials and Integrative Medicine


Disruptive technology has drastically changed the field of medicine and its practices. The generation that has grown alongside digital changes has introduced their own needs and preferences––which usually gives them a reputation as lazy and entitled. These millennials are often accused of being glued to their smartphones and computer screens. This stereotype leaves them as misunderstood––however, they may have a point. They are now the generation that comprises a large number of health professionals, doctors, and trainees, and their tech-savviness may be necessary in these changing times.

Take Blockchain which has been used as a tool to solve long-standing problems in the healthcare industry, such as wasteful spending and unnecessarily high costs among all stakeholders. This technology is predicted to continue breaking barriers in terms of sharing data more accurately and fostering a sense of transparency integral to healthcare. It is in a similar light that technology and advanced research has had an impact on integrative medicine as an emerging trend. Former president of the American College of Physicians Nitin Damle, M.D. has acknowledged that many doctors are pursuing new guidelines in terms of nonpharmacologic treatment as well. This shift has meant pushing the boundaries of everything that healthcare has to offer.